Foto: Philip Radowitz, Ad Hoc_TVStoragePowerShelf for kkaarrlls, 2009

The furnishing elements we share our lives with are uncontrovertibly conventionalized in function. The chair signals sitting, the table putting or placing something, the closet stacking and storing, etc., etc. By means of a simple tool, the Ad Hoc_ScrewClamp, this orderly side-by-side and next-to arrangement is radically suspended. The typical clichés of the furniture are not only torn from their traditional context, but also become available matter, that is a kind of semifinished product for spontaneously and constantly composing a new scenario. (text: Volker Albus)

Foto: Peter Schäfer, Ad Hoc_CarpetSitz, 2014

Foto: Peter Schäfer, Ad Hoc_WalkAroundInventory for ifa, 2017